Tuesday, August 01, 2006

An interface

I feel like being as an interface to the world for Agyat. It watches the entire world through me. I enteract with different things, people and have to deal with different situations in my life. Yet, it is silently sitting inside watching my life and the world around me. Sometime in my loneliness, when I am cut off completely from the outside world, I feel its presence the most. It serves as an interface for me to that dark, unknown emptiness. That unlimited expanse of silence. A dream where nothing appears, not even a thought. I feel this eternity as my source, from where I have come to this world and become known to the people around me. But, the interface to the unknown still lies within.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That silent being of yours or any other of the same mind space or understanding is nothing but the realisation of one owns being in nonactivity time . while at the time of activity it is felt less as the thoughts get occupied somewhere else get drifted to some angle and that alignment is lost your 'I' get mirrored to the unknown get one with it ,get stilled with stillness of this universe .this all actvity are illusion theirs no time ,no space ,everything remains ,but as illusion, till this heart beats ,the moment heart stops the 'I' melts down and become one with the void , the silence ,one with nospace

Monday, November 20, 2006 2:13:00 PM  
Blogger Agyat said...

That which makes you active, mentally! That which makes you think, analyse, decide and make conclusions about what have been posted. That which gives you the understanding of 'I'. That which makes your heart beat. That which makes you feel the void, the silence.... That which makes me to think about what you have posted and give a reply!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 3:46:00 PM  

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